Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sand Dollar & Abalone Shell Decorated Frame

My mom took my best friend, Amy and I to Florida during our senior year of high school. She then again took us after we had completed college to celebrate one last time. During both of trips we all enjoyed collecting shells out of the surf. My mom talked about how beautiful the abalone shells were, and I love the beauty of the sand dollar. So I decided to decorate a frame with Sand Dollars & Abalone to give to mom for her to put her favorite photo from our wedding.

So I gathered my supplies

A Frame (from Hobby Lobby $5.99, and I bought it when it was half off, so it was only $2.99)
Hot Glue Gun (available at most craft stores)
Abalone shells pieces (collected from our trip to Florida)
Sand Dollar pieces (collected from our trip to Florida)

In case you aren't sure what abalone looks like. It has a sort of purple, blue, green iridescent color to it. It's very beautiful. 

And lots and lots of Sand Dollar pieces we found on our many walks on the beach. 

The first thing I did was lay out the pieces of abalone to spread them out throughout the frame. Since I had a lot more Sand Dollar pieces, I wanted to make sure that I used all the abalone. 

I started gluing down the pieces of abalone, and pieces of sand dollars that fit in the corners of the frame. 

Adding pieces and starting to fill in areas to be sure everything was covered. 

Pretty well filled in, just had to add small pieces to fill in.

Ta-da! Completed! Full of beautiful pieces of abalone and sand dollars. I can't wait to share this with my mom! 

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