Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fall Leaf Candle Holder.

I found this image on Pinterest but there were absolutely no instructions. So I set out to get my supplies and create my own directions to completed this cute Fall decoration!

So I went to the store to gather my supplies
For this project you will need: 
Mod Podge (Purchased at Crafts 2000 for $4.99)
Foam Brushes (left over from wedding projects - available at most craft stores)
Smooth Mason Jar (Purchased at Pat Catan's for $1.57)
Leaves (real of fake) - I wanted to have Maple leaves as they are my favorite. We don't have any maple leaves at our new home :( so I was able to find the large package of leaves. There were 100 leaves in the package, and got them for just 99 cents! That's a bargain!!!
Hot Glue Gun - if you don't have one, you purchase one at any craft store and even some grocery stores have them as well!

Be sure that you get a smooth mason jar, so that the leaves can smoothly attach to the jar. 

Use the foam brush to put Mod Podge on the Jar and begin attaching the leaves and covering them with Mod Podge to be sure that they are adhered to the jar. 

I started to get frustrated because the leaves would not attach to the jar. SO I used a combination of the Mod Podge and Hot Glue. 

I used the hot glue to attach the "points" of the leaves to the jar. 

After the Jar was covered with the leaves evenly, I went back and tacked them down anywhere I needed to in order to be sure the leaves were secured. 

I used the foam brush to dab on Mod Podge and made sure to cover all the areas, including the bottom. 

Once the jar was covered with leaves and then coated with Mod Podge. I left it to dry so that the glue was dried before I added the votive and candle to it. 

After about 4 and a half hours, the majority of the Mod Podge had dried and there were just a few wet spots. 
As you can see, some of the leaves still have edges sticking up. I like the way it looks, but it you want it be clean and have all the leaves flat to the jar, then you may want to go back and add some more hot glue and Mod Podge to help with that. 

I'm going to let it dry a few more hours before I put that candle into it and try it out.

After about 7 hours, I checked the jar, and it felt completely dry. So I decided to give it a try. I put a votive with a vanilla candle. And lit it. It was so pretty. The perfect addition to our new house to decorate for fall!

Happy DIYing! :)

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