Friday, March 27, 2015

Super Cute Cupcake Ornaments

I saw a picture on Pinterest of some super cute Cupcake Ornaments made from Terra Cotta Pots. I followed the link and found a list of materials. And some very very basic directions. 
I decided that these would be a perfect addition to my best friends Christmas present.. But I knew tackling something with minimal directions can always be difficult. So I started collecting the items I needed in the summer of 2014. Well, come Christmas time, I just didn't get them done. So I slated them for the following Christmas. I looked through the directions once more, made my list of things still needed, and began doing a little research online for my materials.. Just to see what was out there. 

Before we go any further, I imagine you would like a picture of these super cute cupcake ornaments!

Okay, onto the materials list! And I am going to try to include prices and retailers where I purchased items. 

Small Terra Cotta Pots (the original post used the very small ones, I used ones that were in my parents basement, and purchased a few more). These can be purchased at most craft stores for about 50 cents a piece - maybe less. 
Acrylic Paint (your choice in colors) You need to colors for each pot (or use white to lighten the color you have) - also available at craft stores and some grocery stores. You will also need red for your "cherries" on top! 
Styrofoam Balls (I purchased a 6 pack for $2.57  at Pat Catan's - I used the green floral ones because they were cheaper than the white ones) 
Hot Glue Gun & Hot Glue
X-Acto Knife
Wood Beads (purchased at Pat Catan's for $2.99 for a pack of 30 - more than enough. I used the 20 mm size, but use the size that fits most with your Terra Cotta Pot Size)
Snow Tex- I purchased a 16 oz container at Pat Catan's for $7.97. I do know it is available at Hobby Lobby. It is $2.49 for a 2 oz container or $3.99 for a 4 oz container. If you plan to make just one cupcake, the 2 oz container should be plenty. I plan to make some for my Christmas tree, so I went ahead and purchased the largest size. And it was much cheaper that way.)
Diamond Dust (also called Glamour Dust) I purchased this at Pat Catan's for $3.97 for a 6 oz container and I have a TON left! I could not find it at Hobby Lobby - this is not required, but does make it look more like frosting. 
Small beads (used as sprinkles - I found a package at Pat Catan's for 95 cents that gave me 20 grams in different colors. You can use all one color. Or a mixture, whatever fits your fancy! 
Ribbon - choose a color that you like. I got 1/8 thick white ribbon at Pat Catan's. The roll cost me 40 cents, and has 10 yards on the roll. I'll have plenty of ribbon to use on other projects!
Popsicle Sticks.

Step 1: Gather all supplies!

Step 2: Clean off your Terra Cotta Pots. The easiest way I found was to just use a damp rag and wipe them clean. 

Step 2: Paint the entire Terra Cotta Pot the color you want the "cupcake liner" to appear. 
I suggest beginning at the bottom of the pot. It took me two coats (letting dry in between) to make sure it was good and covered so you didn't see the pot color through it. 

Step 3: Use either a lighter or darker shade to paint lines that give it the appearance of the folds in a cupcake liner. If you did not buy two different shades of the same color, you can always add a drop if white paint to your original color, and it will give you a lighter shade. I ended up doing that with the green cupcake, because the one in the picture was too bright compared to the color on the pot. 

Once finished adding lines, it should look like the teal pot on the right.

Step 3.5: Paint your  Wood Bead "Cherries" red. I found it easier to use a little container, and put the red paint in it and roll it all around to make sure the bead was entirely covered.

 After they have started to dry, be sure to roll them over so that the whole bead will dry. 

Step 4: You can do this while your paint is drying at any point in time!  Cut the styrofoam ball in half. 
These are the styrofoam balls that I used. I actually bough three different kinds because I was not sure which size was what I needed. 

I used an X-acto Knife to cut them in half

Don't worry. They don't need to be perfect! 

I put the half in the pot and it was a smidge too big. So I shave a little bit off of the edges so it fit perfectly into the pot!
Step 5: Poke two holes into the styrofoam ball - make sure they are large enough for your ribbon. I used a paint brush that was sitting right next to me. 

**** If you don't want to make ornaments, scroll down to the bottom for an alternative!

This is what the underside of the styrofoam ball should look like

Cut a piece of ribbon that is far too long  to be the ornament hanger, you can always trim off  the excess later. 

Step 6; Attach a small piece of a popsicle stick between the two holes - this will prevent your ribbon from pulling through the foam since it is soft. Trust me, it will do it!
Afterward, thread the ribbon through it, and secure to the popsicle stick with a little hot glue

Step 7: Hot Glue the halves into the pots. Be sure to make sure you use plenty of hot glue.

You will leave the ribbon sticking out until the very end! 

And here begins the hardest, most time consuming, and patience requiring part! But in all honestly, it may have been my favorite part of the whole project! 

Step 8: "Frost" your "Cupcake"! 
Use the Sno - Tex (see below)
You are going to "frost" the "cupcake". In all honestly, it is very similar to frosting a cupcake, I should tell you that my cupcakes are never frosted smoothly, I just can't do it. 

Except I felt like I was frosting a cupcake with cottage cheese LOL

I used a popsicle stick to help me spread it around, as you can see it was lumpy, and sticky, it stuck to the styrofoam, it stuck to the popsicle stick, it stuck to me!

Work your way around the entire pot. I chose to cover the "rim" of the pot, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. 

Continue to work your way around the cupcake. 

When you get to the top, try your best to fill in around the ribbon. If you get a little on the ribbon, that is okay. It will be covered by the cherry. 
Move on to step 9 before the Sno Tex dries. 
Step 9: If you choose to add the diamond dust for extra sparkle, sprinkle it on as soon as you are done with the Sno-Tex. I didn't take an after picture because you couldn't tell I had put it on, but once your cupcakes are dried, you will be able to see it!

Move right onto step 10!

Step 10: Sprinkle beads onto the frosting (Sno - Tex) while it is still wet. 

Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle!

Some of the beads didn't want to stick, so I used the end of a paint brush to help push them down in a little. 

Step 11: While the Sno Tex is still wet, thread the ribbon through the cherry,

Push the cherry down into the Sno Tex. I also put a little hot glue underneath just to be sure it would stay put!
Let dry! The directions on the Sno Tex say to let dry 2-3 hours, but it also said that thicker Sno Tex can take longer. I don't like to chance things, so I let them dry over night!

Step 12: Tie a knot into the ribbon and trim evenly to make ornament hangers!

And you have some super cute Cupcake Ornaments, that look good enough to eat!

Here is the alternative to ornaments! Just super cute cupcake decorations! I think they'll be perfect to put out during birthday celebrations!

The only difference is that I didn't have to make a hanger through the styrofoam and thread the bead. Instead I filled in the hole on the wooden bead with Hot Glue and painted over it. Then Hot Glued the cherry right on top!

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