Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Photo Coaster Tiles

I found a tutorial for Photo Coaster Tiles and decided I had to make some myself! I decided to do some with our wedding photos, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!

Here is what you will need this for this easy-peasy-lemon squeezy project!

4.25 in White Porcelain Tiles (I purchased mine at Lowe's and at GoodWill, I got 10 for under $5)
Mod Podge - I used Gloss
Mod Podge Acrylic Spray
Foam Brush (You can use a regular bristle brush, but I recommend foam, it goes on easier)
Hot Glue Gun & Glue
Photo Trimmer (Not necessary, but if you have one, it definitely makes trimming the pictures easier)

Step 1: Gather your supplies!

Mod Podge and a foam brush


Trim your photo down to a 4x4 square picture

**** I highly recommend covering your work surface when using Mod Podge. I use either wax paper (Mod Podge doesn't stick to it) or a plastic table cover works too. 

Step 2: Cover the entire front of the tile with Mod Podge using the foam brush. Give it a good coat. 

Step 3: Carefully set the photo onto the tile. Try your best to center it on the tile. 

Step 4: Cover the entire photo with Mod Podge. As you are covering it with glue, the picture may move around a bit. Just be sure that when you finish putting the Mod Podge on you have it exactly where you want it. As you can see if will look milky, but the Mod Podge will dry clear. There will be a few "lines" in the dried Mod Podge, so try your best to get it as smooth as possible. 

Step 5: Let dry. I usually let it dry over an evening.

Step 6: Put another coat of Mod Podge on top, I like to be extra sure it is sealed well. You can skip this step if you would like to.

Step 7: Put a light spraying of the Mod Podge Acrylic Spray on top - this will help to keep it "water proof" 

Step 8: Cut a 4x4 piece of felt, and attach it to the back of the tile. This will help so your coaster won't scratch your tables when you set them on the table. 

I used a permanent marker to score out the lines I needed to cut on. A pen wouldn't work.
 Step 8.5: Cut out felt square

Step 9: Glue felt square onto the back of the tile. Be sure to use plenty of glue. I ran glue down all the edges, and then made and "X" across the center. See picture below.

This just shows that the felt does not add much thickness to the coaster. But it will protect the surfaces that you set them on!

And Viola! Your coaster is finished and ready to be used for you to set your favorite drink down on while you work on your crafts!

Happy DIY-ing!

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