Saturday, July 13, 2013


About four months ago, some of my very good friends got engaged! I was so excited for them as I had initially introduced them, and then almost seven and a half years later, they are engaged! Last night, we got together to hang out, all four of us, and they asked both myself and Scott to be in their wedding. I was even more excited, I can't believe that they want us to be part of their day, and not mention the adorable way she asked me!
Check this out!!

Isn't that adorable? All I could do was say "Awww!"and hug Megan! And Scott, of course, was entirely oblivious to what was taking place (gotta love it!). Megan and I have been friends for almost 8 years, and we love to do crafts together, so of course, this is totally fitting for her.

But, it has been forever, and I mean forever, since I have posted anything, and I have accomplished a lot since then, but life has been kinda crazy, so I hope in the next few days/weeks to get myself caught up with crafts I have done to share with you! And hoping to get some more crafts done!!!

Happy Saturday!

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