Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thrifty buys... from last week and a book totally worth a splurge!

Last week I was shopping at my favorite consignment shop and got some great buys, at great prices, and none of them even look worn! This is exactly why I LOVE consignment shops! Although this was before my decision to only purchase bargains at consignment shops and Goodwill, I wanted to show you what awesome things you can find, you just need to know where to look!! Keep your eyes peeled!

These Shorts are Daisy Fuentes (Kohl's) and I got them for only $8.99!

This shirt is from Charlotte Russe, but I got it for only $3.50 from the Consignment shop!

This shirt is from Maurices, and only cost my $6.99 at the Consignment shop! I have already warn it to work, and I paired it with some Brown Dress pants I already had, and a pair of Taupe Flats that I have had also! So Cute!

This shirt is Calvin Klein and I got it for only $6.99!

This sweater is so cute! I could not pass it up, especially for only $4.50!! It is Apt. 9 Brand (Kohl's)

So I managed to get some awesome clothes, and many are name brand, and I didn't spend much!!! :) That's my kinda Thrifty!!

Now onto an amazing book! It's a children's book, but I love it soo much! I have read it twice now, and depending on the grade level I end up teaching, I may read it every year! It has an awesome main character who starts the book as feeling powerless and caged, to ending feeling powerful, mighty and free! It is written in a poetic form that each "chapter" has a title, but some are only half a page, while others may span 3-5 pages. The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate will forever be one of my favorite books, not only because it has a baby elephant, but because of the connections that I made to the book. Don't hesitate to read this book! It is still relatively new (Published in 2012) and last I knew, was only available in Hard Cover, but definitely worth it! :)

For now, my copy of The One and Only Ivan looks nice, but in a few years, it will probably resemble that of a well loved favorite (because it is!).

So, my motivation has returned as I am going on a mini-vacation with my BFF, so before I leave, I will be posting two of my favorite thrifty crafts I have done so far! Stay tuned!

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