Monday, March 4, 2013


Hello! My name as Beth, and as you may have guessed by my blog title, I love children's books and crafting! I am currently a pre-service teacher in my final year of undergrad! And while I love reading and purchasing children's books and doing crafts, I'm on a budget, a very tight, college student budget! I plan to use this blog as a way to share wonderful books I have read and amazing crafts I have done. My crafts (well most of them) are fairly inexpensive and I get my ideas from Pinterst (who doesn't) and some pretty amazing crafty friends I have been blessed with. Along with crafting and reading childen's books, I love to read books for people my age, sewing and making ruffle quilts, being outside, spending time with my friends and family and working with children! Stay tuned as I post some of my more recent crafts I have done, and some wonderful crafts also!

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