Thursday, July 18, 2013

Simple Crafts (and inexpensive too!)

Hair Towels!

All you need it two hand towels, a button, some elastic (1/4" to 1/2" is fine), a needle, thread, and a sewing machine. 
I purchased the hand towels pictured here at the Dollar Tree. I got two of them for $6, and I also purchased some others on clearance at Kohl's for $1.86 a piece. They don't need to be fancy, just any hand towel will work.
You need to cut the towels in the same shape, if you have shorter hair, you don't need to make the towel as large, but I have really long hair!!
Then stitch the two together with the elastic in one end, and make sure it is large enough to go around your button. After I had done the initial sewing together, I went back and did a zig-zag stitch to make it more secure. Then hand-sewed on the button.

Here is a close up of the button and elastic!

I will be making another one soon, so I will take step by step picture to post!

And not to mention, the chair that the towel is sitting on! The chair was no longer comfortable to sit on, so I took off the old cover, put new cushions on, and recovered it with a cute broadcloth. I used elastic so that I can take it off and wash it too!! :)

Memory Jar

I don't know if it is just me (but I sure hope it isn't), but some many good memories happen, and then I feel like I forget them. So I decided I would make a Memory Jar. I bought a Mason Jar, although we have a ton in my basement that I could have used.
I started off trying to use a hot glue gun to write the 2013, but it wasn't looking as neat as I wanted it to. Then I tried Elmer's, and that was by no means at all effective. So I decided to try a fabric paint. That worked perfectly!!! So I wrote 2013 on it and let it air dry over night.
I used some spray paint I had in my basement to make it as inexpensive as possible, and spray painted it. I ended up doing two coats of spray paint to make sure it was coated well. Make sure you give the spray paint time to dry!! Then I took a piece of cute fabric I found in our scraps box (thrifty-ness again!) and cut it with pinking shears to fit the lid and make it look a little fancier than just the plain gold seal.

The year is half over and my jar is filling up with lots of wonderful memories. I love that someday I can pull it out and read some of the things I written.
The papers are just colored printer paper that I cut with a straight edge into 2 inch pieces. On each memory, I write the date, and a small blurb to jog my memory, in case its one of those ones I might have forgotten!

I decided to do this this year because I am graduating from college, started a new business and was asked to be a bridesmaid in a good friends wedding. I won't ever forget these memories!! :)

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