Wednesday, July 17, 2013

No more shopping! (Sort of!)

Last night as I was perusing Pinterest (who doesn't do that occasionally!!), I stumbled across a pin from a College of Ed Classmate to a blog of a teacher who counted all her clothing and vowed not to purchase any clothes and to make cute outfits throughout the year using only clothing she had found in her closet. You can view it here at ClotheMeInRobes! I am going to be doing a modified version of this. I will be doing student teaching in the Fall, so I want to be sure that I have cute, comfy, appropriate clothes to wear, but I definitely want to save money. I don't admit this often, but I have a shopping problem, and it doesn't help that I am a cashier at Kohls and see all the clothes that come through my line (and want to buy many of them)! But from now on, I am going to stop purchasing clothes, with the exception of the occasional buy from the amazing Goodwill's in GR and the awesome Consignment shops I frequent. Along with my crafting ideas and book ideas for the classroom, I will post some of my outfits that I create along the way, as well as where I purchased the clothing. And of course, I will have to brag about my awesome thrifty buys!!! I don't think I will attempt to count the number of clothes I have, but I may even surprise myself there!!

Happy Wednesday!! :)

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