Friday, March 27, 2015

Pumpkin Deco-Mesh Wreath

 5 1/2 in wide Orange Deco- Mesh ( I purchased mine after Halloween in 2014 at Hobby Lobby, so I got it for $2.39 a roll. I bought 3 rolls, but only used one. If you purchase it leading up to Fall, you can get it for anywhere between $4.99 and $7.99)
Wire Wreath Frame (I used a 14 inch wreath frame that I purchased at Pat Catan's for $2.79 - you can use any size wire wreath frame, the larger it is, the more Deco-Mesh it will require.)
Orange Paint - I used acrylic because I had it on had, truthfully, Orange Spray Paint would have been easier, but I didn't see the need to purchase it, so I made the acrylic work- it was left over from previous projects. 
Orange Pipe Cleaners  (I purchased at pack of 25 at Pat Catan's for $.83)
Hot Glue  Gun/Hot Glue (This will make some steps much easier! Available at craft stores and many grocery stores.  I have several and didn't pay more than $4 for any of them. One I have had for over 6 years, so don't feel the need to spend a lot!)
Green Deco-Mesh ( I purchased this while it was half off at Hobby Lobby, so I got it for $2.99. I have a ton left over so I can use it on another project in the future). This is to make the stem. If you don't want to purchase a roll just for that, use something around your house. If you have green acrylic paint, you could paint an empty toilet paper tube to use a stem.
Ribbon (I used some orange ribbon I had left over from a Wedding Project, but really you can use anything to hang the wreath from.)

Step 1: Paint the Wire Wreath Frame. Like I said, I used Acrylic because I had it on hand, but spray paint would probably be easier! Let dry!

Step 2: Attach Pipe Cleaners, I stated by attaching them to the braces. Twist them twice

Then in spots where the weren't braces, I put a dab of hot glue to attach them 

Twist twice and a little more glue. 

For my 14 in wreath, I used 5 across the top, and five across the bottom. 

This is the Deco-Mesh I used

Step 3: Begin by bunching up the Deco-Mesh and attach it to the back of the wreath frame with the pipe cleaners. 

Always Twist Twice.

Step 4: Take it down to the bottom pipe cleaner and attach. 

I decided I wanted it to be fuller, so I went over it again with a second layer. 

Step 5: Continue with the whole wreath. This is basically where you will find what will work best for you, so do it!

After I had filled all the pipe cleaners, I did go back through to finish up the roll and attached more, using more pipe cleaners to make it more full. I wanted a plump pumpkin. 
The back of the wreath should look a little something like this

Step 6: Tuck all your pipe cleaners into the back of the wreath, that way they aren't sticking out every which direction. 

This is what the front should look like. 

I used green Deco-Mesh to make a stem. 

Step 7: Cut a piece of green Deco-Mesh about 2.5 feet long and roll into a small tube to make a stem. Like I said earlier, if you don't want to buy a roll, then use a toilet paper holder and paint it green!

Step 7: Attack with pipe cleaner to the back of the wreath

I decided to add piece of Deco-Mesh Ribbon Tubing that I had left over from a previous project, I attached them to the back with a pipe cleaner as well. 

 Once you have your stem on, and if you choose leaves or vines, cut a piece or ribbon, or string to tie (double knots) to the back of the frame to create your hanger.

Hang you Pumpkin Wreath up, you will have to go back and fluff, I pulled at the layers to make them "Stand Up" a bit, to give the pumpkin some definition. The nice thing about Deco-Mesh is it kind of gets caught in itself, so you can make it pouf out more! 

:) Happy DIY-ing! 

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