Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wedding DIY

Wedding DIY

Here are images of several of the DIY projects that I used for my wedding. I had so much fun doing all these DIY projects, and the best part was that I got to spend extra time with some of my wonderful bridesmaids!

To make this Just Married Sign, I used some wood laying around. This would was extremely weathered as it was used as a pen for 4-H animals the last 17 years! They were 1x6s but really any board will work. And I used some white exterior house paint we had and painted them on. The hardest thing was spacing the letters out right! So this one was a no cost to me project!

These chalkboard were painted with Acrylic Paint (my favorite paint to work with) and then Valspar Chalkboard Paint (Purchased at Lowe's)

I used an old pallet we had laying around to create a sign for our guest to know where our reception was. This is the same wood I used for the Just Married sign, and it turned out great! 

I painted Mason Jars with acrylic paint to match the wedding colors and used them for our center pieces and for my girls bouquets (shown below in gray). I found the tutorial for the best way to paint Mason Jars here, It All Started with Paint, this tutorial was to paint jars with an Ombre effect, but I just used a single color, but it gave me the tips of how to do it! Then I used a nail file and some sand paper to rough up the jars a little, to give them a more rustic effect and coated them with a clear Acrylic spray to prevent them from chipping. 

Each of the bridemaids had their own jar for their flowers, and a wood tag that I made with their name on i. My dad helped me cut the wood into thing slabs or tags and then I used a wood burning tool that I got from Hobby Lobby to help me carve the names into them. I drilled a hole in the top of the tag and attached to the jar with some jute!

This was a super easy decoration, I used Mason Jars left from my moms canning, and I purchased bags of turquoise glass stones from the Dollar Tree (each jar had 1.5 bags of stones in them) and then purchased some bright orange flowers to match my bouquet from Crafts 2000 for $2.99 with 6 flowers on each stem! Pretty easy! The "mat" underneath is scrapbook paper that I had laminated using a laminater that my husbands mom had got me last Christmas, talk about a perfect gift for a crafty nut who will some day be a teacher!! And then the little chalkboard table numbers. I found cute shaped wood pieces at Michaels and then painted them using the Chalkboard Paint from Lowe's. Attached a clothes pin to the back, took the clothes pin apart, inverted it and glued it on. And attacked half a popsicle stick to the bottom of each clothespin to stabilize it. Easy-peezy, lemon squeeze-y.

I saw a picture on Pinterest (where else?) of Pallets used as a backdrop, and LOVED IT!

My dad helped me put this together. All we needed was 4 pallets the same size and in good shape, 6 hinges, a drill , screws and some muscle power.

And Viola! Here it is finished!
In the center of the previous picture, you will notice  this heart. I used small sawn pieces of logs that my dad helped cut, and I used a heart shaped frame from Hobby Lobby. I wrapped the frame in Burlap in case it showed through and hot glue the log pieces right to the burlap. Turned out perfect!

Made these cute reserved table signs for our family using Chevron paper in our wedding colors from Hobby Lobby. All I did was cut the paper down from 12x12 to 8.5x11. And formatted how I wanted it to print. Inverted it on one side so it could be read from either side, and printed, easy as pie!
For the Bouquet Toss, I didn't want to through a bouquet of flowers, so I decided to make paper and burlap flowers. I have made paper flowers before, so by this time I was an old Pro! I bought two books from Goodwill for 25 cents a piece and went to town. Not, I have to admit I had no idea how to make burlap roses, but I found a tutorial, The Mamas Girls Club to help me out. I did tweak it because I wanted the roses to be more full and "rose-like", we'll call it. 

Here is the bouquet right before I tossed it!

And the pew bows, I wanted to be made of burlap with a splash of blue. Using the tutorial on Thistlewood Farms, I again tweaked it to fit my needs. And they turned out adorable! I loved the splash of rustic as I walked down the aisle. 

Simple mini wine bottles I got from a friend with some baby's breath and accented with turquoise or orange paper ribbon found at Paper Mart. Paper Mart is a great place to check out. We got a ton of tulle, burlap and other decor items for very reasonable prices!

See that Cards sign? I burned that using my wood burner! Just bought a wood plaque from Hobby Lobby, and went to town!

 And these cute letters are from Hobby Lobby as well, and were just painted with Acrylic paint (what else?) and then I used a staple gun & hot glue gun (just wanted to be extra sure) to attach and hang them with jute!

And my beautiful burlap wreath (I may be partial!). I saw a wreath similar to this at a restaurant while going with a friend to her bridal fitting, and I totally loved it. So I came home and scoured the internet for a tutorial on how to make a burlap wreath. I found one here at My Crazy Good Life . Let me be the first to tell you, if you, or anyone in your family is allergic to burlap, you may want to tackle this one outside! This was so fun to make it was going around and around with the burlap weaving it in and out to make it as full as I wanted it. And I accented it with a chevron bow, using chevron burlap ribbon that I got at Hobby Lobby, it also matched the pew bows at the church! All it too was some hot glue, some wire and a wreath frame. All from Hobby Lobby!

So those are my DIY projects from our wedding. I am sorry I don't have step by step pictures for everything, but my phone died during the wedding planning, and I lost a lot of my photos. I am lucky I was able to come up with these. Thanks to Wed Pics, I was able to find some I had posted right after they were completed!
I cam however give you tips and information if you are interested in any of the pictures I showed! I LOVED DIY-ing things for our wedding. It was so much fun, and not to mention, it was helpful in saving money on our wedding :)

Happy DIY-ing!

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