Monday, August 17, 2015

Acrylic Painted Date Night Jar/Dollar Dance Jars

My best friend is getting married this fall, so for her bridal shower, we did a Date Night Jar. I decided to paint them in her wedding colors..
Trip after trip after trip to craft store after craft store, I realized that I would just have to mix paints to get the perfect color to match her wedding colors. 

So that is what I did. I mixed purples and greys, browns and blacks to make the perfect shade of plum.
And I mixed green and green, with some grey, brown, black and white to get the perfect shade of clover.

Truthfully, it wasn't that simple, it was a long slow process, but I didn't mind, because she deserves the best!! :) 

And I can't tell you how accomplished I felt after getting the colors just right!!! :)

Any who, 

You will need:

Mason Jar (or the spaghetti sauce jar you just emptied will work too!)
Paint - find a color you like, or mix your own
Paint brush (es)
Acrylic Sealer
Tagboard Tags
Jute or Ribbon

Step 1: Paint the bottom of the jar - I found this to be the best place to start after we painted over 40 mason jars for my wedding. 

You will want to let it dry and go back and do a second coat on it, this will prevent any light spots in the paint. Unless that is the look you want. 

As you can tell, at the bottom of the jar, I have already put two coats on, it is very thick and dark, and towards the middle, you can see threw it,. That party only has one coat on it. 

Continue paint the jar. Once the bottom has completely dried - I recommend waiting at least an hour or two to be sure, you can flip it over  and start painting up the jar.

When you are painting up the jar, if it has words on it, you want to be very carefully that it is covered well. 


I thought I would show you this water container. I found it at Pat Catan's for only $1.00. Totally worth the investment. It keeps my brushes from getting crusty, and saves me trips having to constantly rinse out brushes!! Nifty little one dollar investment, I'd say! 

Keep working up the jar!

Once you get to the rim, you will need to be very careful to get it well covered. I typically do three coats just to be sure!

Once the jars are completely covered and you are happy with how they look, you will want to spray them with a clear acrylic sealer. This will help to prevent scratches. Will it keep all scratches from happening? No, will it help to lessen the number??? Oh, definitely! 

Here are the jars after they have been sealed- honestly, looking at them, you really can't tell, but it the long run it will protect them!

Ta-da! Beautifully painted jars!

Here are the fabric swatches that I had purchased to be able to match things, I think they are pretty darn close, and I am very proud of myself!

Step 3: I used my Sizzix, which I use for scrapbooking, and a tag die cut that I had purchased to do baby shower favors for one of my sister-in-laws showers. 

I die cut four of them - if you do not have access to a Sizzix or Die Cut Machine, I know that Hobby Lobby has some pre-cut tags, if I remember correctly, they are in section with card making supplies!
With a silver sharpie, I wrote on the tags

These are the tags for the dollar dance!